Refugee Integration Lab Erasmus+ Training Course
Refugee Integration LAB (RL) arose from identification of the dangers of xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination arising in Europe, and brings together 9 countries and 10 partners committed to work on Human Rights, Refugee and Integration projects. RL is all about improving the existing non-formal education methods and finding new ways of communicating a message to refugees (and similar vulnerable groups of people) in an inclusive and approaching way with regards to: integration into society, racism, equality, human rights, solidarity, minority groups, cultural indifferences, differences based on religion, membership of particular ethnic groups, gender equality etc. With RL we want to “give additional tools and ideas to other organizations so they can strengthen their work with refugees and help them to get on their way of integration in the new surroundings”.
Greece represents the “point of entry” into the EU for the majority of these displaced people. In our previous work with the UNHCR (“Say it with Comics”, February 2016 and December 2016) we have had the chance to interact with young refugees when we helped them create and publish their own comic book stories on human rights. Getting to know them, their troubles, their experiences and their worries has given us better insight and made us feel that we can make an even greater impact, both for the refugees themselves, as well as for Europe as a whole. The situation is irreversible and there are now thousands of people in need of being integrated into new societies. Facilitating and enabling this integration, helping them to contribute and interact with their new surroundings, is a big priority which needs to be addressed. Non formal education is a great and effective way to address this issue and we feel confident our contribution will be essential.
The main objectives of RL is to develop new tools and methods for enabling refugees with integration to new surroundings and use of various forms of non-formal education as a message tool and build up creatively in six main workshop groups: Human rights, Crowd funding, Animation, Video, Storytelling and Board games.